Dear Nazarbayev University staff,
On behalf of all our students, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for all the work that you have done for us. During all these years, we saw you working hard to make our academic and social lives better. With the recent outbreak of coronavirus, you worked even harder to keep us safe, secured and still able to receive proper education.
Our community is the best thing about Nazarbayev University and although we constitute the major part of it, nothing would be possible without you! We truly respect and appreciate your work, be it related to student or academic affairs, be it ensuring our security on and off campus or providing us with health services. There are many departments full of hard-working and dedicated people, we do not want to name all of them but what we want to do is to remind you that we do see and value everything you did for us, especially within the last few weeks.
During these hard times for all of us, we are sincerely hoping that you and your families are safe. We are eternally grateful for everything you did for us.
Best regards, Student Government.